Every internet marketer hopes to convert every visitor to paying client. In order to make this happen, they're using different techniques. Others would offer freebies while others would create a sense of urgency. Sadly, some techniques fall short. If you want something that is truly effective, I would suggest the use of content marketing. It is the process of giving out free information to accomplish 2 things; get your readers to like you and second, to earn their trust which is the most important element when you're convincing them to do business with you.
Here's the truth; nobody will buy based on the attractiveness of your ads. Online users require more than that before they swipe their credit cards. What you can do is to slowly build relationship with them. Find where they usually go when they're online and provide answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.
Here's an example; if you're selling coaching programs about making money through freelance writing, you need to show your prospects that you know the ins and outs of this field. Answer their questions as to how they can get started and teach them how to find their clients. Give them tips on how to avoid scammers and techniques on how they can outshine their competitors. You also need to give them proof that you're successful in this field so you can convince them that you've got relevant experience. Once you've done all of that, you have at least 75% of getting these people to buy whatever it is that you sell.
Below are some content marketing tips to help you convert more prospects to buyers:
Make it fun to read. Sometimes, no matter how informative your content is, people will still not be moved to take action if they're bored or if they fell asleep while reading what you've written. So, write with the aim to entertain these people as well. Write using conversational tone, use humor, and tell relevant stories when and as needed. Also, ask questions and strive to engage your readers whenever possible.
Make it easy on the eyes. You cannot afford to make your content painful on the eyes. Look at the pages of an old encyclopedia and tell me if you're going to read them. You need to make your content readable and scannable. What I mean is that you write using short paragraphs and number list. It is through this that you can get more people to read your content until the end where you'll usually put your call to action.
Here's the truth; nobody will buy based on the attractiveness of your ads. Online users require more than that before they swipe their credit cards. What you can do is to slowly build relationship with them. Find where they usually go when they're online and provide answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.
Here's an example; if you're selling coaching programs about making money through freelance writing, you need to show your prospects that you know the ins and outs of this field. Answer their questions as to how they can get started and teach them how to find their clients. Give them tips on how to avoid scammers and techniques on how they can outshine their competitors. You also need to give them proof that you're successful in this field so you can convince them that you've got relevant experience. Once you've done all of that, you have at least 75% of getting these people to buy whatever it is that you sell.
Below are some content marketing tips to help you convert more prospects to buyers:
Make it fun to read. Sometimes, no matter how informative your content is, people will still not be moved to take action if they're bored or if they fell asleep while reading what you've written. So, write with the aim to entertain these people as well. Write using conversational tone, use humor, and tell relevant stories when and as needed. Also, ask questions and strive to engage your readers whenever possible.
Make it easy on the eyes. You cannot afford to make your content painful on the eyes. Look at the pages of an old encyclopedia and tell me if you're going to read them. You need to make your content readable and scannable. What I mean is that you write using short paragraphs and number list. It is through this that you can get more people to read your content until the end where you'll usually put your call to action.
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