Content marketing is definitely the way to go when you're selling any type of item in the online arena. The idea here is to attract people by addressing their learning needs. There's no doubt that they will pay attention if you give them free solutions to their problems or when you impart tips and techniques on how to solve their problems. Internet marketers know this that's why, they strive to publish new content every single day to update their blog, to offer something new on newsletters, and they discuss fresh topics on their seminars. The common problem is, most of these people are getting to that point of saturation where they feel that they've given every piece of information they know. When that happens, they usually leave their blog and they just stop writing. You can't just afford to do this. The moment you stop providing your prospects with information is the day that your ebusiness will die.
The question here is, what's the best thing to do. My answer? Content curation.
Unlike what other people might tell you, content curation isn't about grabbing content from other blogs or websites and declaring that it's yours. It's also not about combining low quality articles or videos and posting them on your blog or website. It's the process of researching and putting together content (written by other people who are industry experts) that is extremely important, informative, entertaining, and related to the products that you sell. And then, giving it your personal take.
Let me give you an example so you'll get a very clear idea.
If you're looking for information about making money online for example, research the keywords that are constantly used by your target audience to find articles, blog posts, videos, PDF files, and other related links. Then, start writing your content with an introduction telling your readers what your content is all about and what they can find on those links that you're using. End your content by giving your readers your opinion or your personal take. Just ensure that you inform those people who own those resources that you're going to use their content and that you're going to link to their website and blog. Don't worry, they'll love it.
The question here is, what's the best thing to do. My answer? Content curation.
Unlike what other people might tell you, content curation isn't about grabbing content from other blogs or websites and declaring that it's yours. It's also not about combining low quality articles or videos and posting them on your blog or website. It's the process of researching and putting together content (written by other people who are industry experts) that is extremely important, informative, entertaining, and related to the products that you sell. And then, giving it your personal take.
Let me give you an example so you'll get a very clear idea.
If you're looking for information about making money online for example, research the keywords that are constantly used by your target audience to find articles, blog posts, videos, PDF files, and other related links. Then, start writing your content with an introduction telling your readers what your content is all about and what they can find on those links that you're using. End your content by giving your readers your opinion or your personal take. Just ensure that you inform those people who own those resources that you're going to use their content and that you're going to link to their website and blog. Don't worry, they'll love it.
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